Activités 2010
9-11 décembre 2010
3e colloque EEASA
Looking back: The Past, History, and History Writing in Early America and the Atlantic World
Institut Charles V, 10 rue Charles V, 75004 Paris – Program
Coorganisation: Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot / LARCA et Université de Versailles Saint Quentin / Suds d’Amériques.
Avec le soutien de l’Institut des Amériques
The third EEASA conference (Paris, December 2010) invited scholars of early American history and the Atlantic world to reflect on the role of the “past” within the time frame, 1607-1865. These two and a half centuries were often constructed by contemporaries not only through a teleological, progressive or providentially-motivated perspective, but also in a retrospective mode. The urge to revolve, to have a “revolution” in its original sense of an eternal return to a distant past – the past embodied by a “purer” America, Europe or Africa – was transformed into idealized beginnings, especially in times of crisis and uncertainty. These moments include the late seventeenth-century Puritan world as expressed through the jeremiad or the invocation of the “spirit of 76” in the later years of the early republic, as well as by the independence movements in Latin America. For American radicals looking to France, “the spirit of 1789” was an inspiration when it was feared that the original meaning of the new United States might have been forgotten. Examples also extend to the idea of “the noble savage” for Europeans “imagining” Native Americans, and the idea of an indigenous Afro-Caribbean culture that early Haitian historians posited in seeking the origins of their Revolution.
These are only a few instances of the roles played by the multiple pasts that made up early American and Atlantic history. They are notably reflected in the current interest in commemoration, memory or nostalgia studies and can be looked at through the history of emotions as well as of material culture, or in the tracing of intellectual and political transfers in their transatlantic as well as trans-American dimensions. From a more theoretical standpoint, this wide-ranging topic may lead to philosophical reflections on changing conceptions of history and relationship to time in the formative years, from early providentialism to a need for a common history in the process of post-revolutionary nation-building in the first half of the nineteenth century. More generally, this topic offers a platform for broader historiographical considerations on our practice as historians of early American history and the Atlantic world.
4 juin 2010
Journée « Publications récentes »
Organisée par l’Université Paris 12, équipe CIMMA/IMAGER, et l’Université Paris-Diderot, équipe LARCA.
Avec la participation de Robert Sayre (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée), Pascale Smorag (Université de Franche-Comté), Lauric Henneton (Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), Pierre-Marie Loizeau (Université d’Angers), Allan Potofsky (Université Paris-Diderot). Organisation: Marie-Jeanne Rossignol et Monica Henry
Programme complet (PDF)
15-16 avril 2010
Atlantic Commerce and Revolutions, 1750-1815: tragedy or opportunity?
Organisé par l’Université Paris-Diderot (équipe LARCA), l’European Early American Studies Association (EEASA), l’AHRC-Network, Projet ANR MARPROF, le CENA-EHESS, et en partenariat avec le Redehja.
Avec la participation de Robert Duplessis (Swarthmore College), Albane Forestier (London School of Economics), Simon Middleton (University of Sheffield), Steven Sarson (University of Wales), Pernille Roge (University of Cambridge), Bertie Mandelblatt (Université de Montréal), Trevor Burnard (University of Warwick). Contact:
19 mars 2010
Conférence Susanne Lachenicht (U. Bayreuth, Allemagne), ‘Intercultural contacts in Atlantic port cities: London, New York, Bordeaux, Hamburg’
Institut Charles V, 17h00 – 19h00
5-6 février 2010
« The Federalist Papers: Enjeux politiques, historiques et théoriques », journée organisée par l’Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle et l’Université Paris-Diderot.
Avec la participation de Peter Onuf (University of Virginia), Max Edling (Uppsala Universitet, online paper), David Mongoin (Université Paris 2), Annie Léchenet (Université Lyon I – online paper), Nathan Perl-Rosenthal (Columbia University, online paper), Paul Rahe (Hillsdale College, online paper), Lucia Bergamasco (Université d’Orléans).
Lieux: 5 février, à l’Institut du Monde anglophone, Grand amphi, 5 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine/ 6 février : Institut Charles V, adresse, salle A 50
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Lauric Henneton (31 décembre 2010). Activités 2010. R E D E H J A. Consulté le 12 octobre 2024 à l’adresse