2e journée humanités numériques (17 octobre 2014) – “Projets d’histoire numérique”
NOUVEAU: Programme: “Projets d’histoire numérique”
Lieu: Université de Paris Diderot (Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, salle 133) – voir le Plan_Campus PRG
Comité d’organisation: Claire Bourhis-Mariotti (Université Paris 8), Lauric Henneton (Université Versailles Saint Quentin), Monica Henry (Université Paris Est Créteil)
9h30 – Accueil, café
10h-10h40 – Joseph Yannielli (Wesleyan University) “The Runaway Class: Research and Teaching with Digital History”
10h40-11h – Discussion
11h-11h20 – Pause café
11h20-12h – Constance B. Schulz (University of South Carolina) “Pouring Old Editorial Wine into New Digital Bottles”
12h-12h20 – Discussion
12h20-12h30 – Conclusions
Cette journée d’étude fait suite à la première journée d’étude sur les humanités numériques organisée le 20 juin 2014 (voir http://redehja.hypotheses.org/237), en mettant cette fois l’accent sur les expériences pédagogiques et scientifiques concrètement mises en place aux États-Unis.
Nous recevrons tout d’abord le Dr. Joseph Yannielli, un collègue américain, actuellement Visiting Assistant Professor (College of Letters, Wesleyan University), qui viendra nous parler de la création du site internet Slavery & Abolition Portal, qu’il a mis en place pour l’Université de Yale, ainsi que de History Leaks, et enfin du cours Digital Humanities qu’il assure à la Wesleyan. Joseph Yannielli nous fera donc profiter de son expertise à la fois sur le plan pédagogique et sur le plan scientifique, dans le cadre d’une journée pensée pour les doctorants comme pour les enseignants-chercheurs civilisationnistes.
In the Spring of 2014, students at Wesleyan University in the United States participated in a course entitled Digital History. One of a small number of such courses offered at the undergraduate level, it is the only course of its kind to require students to conceive, produce, and market an original historical website in a matter of weeks. What lessons can be learned from this experiment? Drawing on my previous experience working on projects such as the Slavery and Abolition Portal and History Leaks, this presentation will discuss the intersection of pedagogy and practice in the emerging field of the Digital Humanities.
Nous recevrons également Dr. Constance B. Schulz, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of History, Editor,The Papers of Eliza Lucas Pinckney and Harriott Pinckney Horry (Univ. of Virginia Press, 2012) and The Pinckney Revolutionary Era Statesmen (both NEH-supported “born digital” scholarly editions) University of South Carolina.
Abstract: “Pouring Old Editorial Wine into New Digital Bottles”
As historians and other humanities scholars explore the ways in which digital tools can enable them to expand their scholarship in new directions, using the computer’s ability to combine and rearrange large amounts of data at lightning speeds, on underlying issue that has not always been addressed is how long-established standards for that scholarship can be adapted to new processes. The “born digital” scholarly edition of The Papers of Eliza Pinckney and Harriott Pinckney Horry was created using DocTracker, a sophisticated data base designed to incorporate the modern standards of the scholarly editing community while opening up the edited texts to allow editors and end-users to ask new questions of the content. This talk will review briefly what those modern scholarly editing standards are and why they are important to scholars who use the resulting editions. The address will then use the two Pinckney editions Schulz has directed to show how the DocTracker editing system has made applying those standards more efficient, led to the creation of strong TEI-compliant XML output, and created editions that expand the insights possible for scholars using them to extract.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Claire Bourhis-Mariotti (1 septembre 2014). 2e journée humanités numériques (17 octobre 2014) – “Projets d’histoire numérique” R E D E H J A. Consulté le 12 octobre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/te0q